Pure Water Awareness Day
The latest project of Pascal Rösler and his association Pure Water for Generations e.V.: The Pure Water Awareness Day.
The approach: Water is life. All life has its beginning in water. We come from water and we need water to survive. We all agree on that. But why do we pollute and contaminate our rivers, lakes and oceans and watch all life in them disappear? So if we feel the need to make a change in our lives, it makes sense to start at the beginning, meaning water. Water is the origin.

“Our soul is connected to water.“
Pascal Rösler, Founder of Pure Water for Generations e.V.
When Pascal approached us in the spring of 2020 with the idea of creating a Water Awareness Day during the course of the year, it didn’t take him long to convince us. His vision of communicating about the beauty of nature and the responsibility to preserve it, instead of pointing a finger, speaks to us as well.
Corona – like so many other things – did not exactly simplify the implementation of this project. But after several conversations, video chats and brainstorming sessions, it was clear that it was not necessary to gather a large number of people in one place for this day. In the end, everyone now has the chance to spend the day on or with water, either for themselves or with the self-determined group, and to report on it via social media and the hashtag “#purewaterforgenerations” and exchange ideas with like-minded people.

While the gifted networker Pascal was able to inspire an impressive number of testimonials and companies about the idea and convince them to participate within a very short time, we were busy creating the communication materials. In addition to the presentations, we designed a series of postcards, Bierfilzn (as they say here in Bavaria…), posters and various other graphics for film and social media.

For the Pure Water Awareness Day, several moving images were shot, edited and set to music. Here is the trailer, which was shown on social media as well as on several special interest channels on German TV for several weeks. The voice recordings were made in our recording studio, the texts in German and English were also created in-house.
So join us in 10 days when we all gather at our favorite waterfront spots and remember how great nature is out there and that we should leave the screen off and the phone at home more often!
More info at pure-water-for-generations.com